Hinkle Law Firm LLC’s foundation is built on helping businesses. Our business clients range in size from closely-held and family-owned businesses to publicly held corporations with operations in multiple states and international operations. Over the years, we’ve provided counsel in transactions ranging in size from a few thousand to several billions of dollars.
Our attorneys understand that businesses, no matter the size, face many legal considerations. We support our clients in multiple business arenas, from complex corporate financing to commercial contracts and leases, with the goal of helping businesses grow and prosper.
We assist our clients in the formation of corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies and joint ventures. We also advise them on a wide array of legal issues relating to general business matters, including contract negotiation, regulatory compliance, financing transactions and corporate governance. Hinkle attorneys have a broad business background and approach each client’s matter from a business mindset to ensure their legal and business concerns are adequately addressed.