Hinkle Attorneys Win Judgment for Client in Colorado State Court
Dec 9, 2014 - News by Hinkle Law Firm
Hinkle Law Firm trial attorneys won a $2.6 million judgment for a Kansas client in Colorado state court. The trial involved claims of Hinkle’s client that a former general partner of a closely-held limited partnership had engaged in self-dealing loans without payment to the partnership of a proper amount of interest. Since the loans had taken place 19 years prior to trial, the Hinkle trial team had to prove why the claims for interest should not be time-barred and why the interest rate claimed by Hinkle’s attorneys was reasonable. “At the end of the day, the judge agreed with us that it was unfair for the partner who took the loans to have full use of that money while leaving our client without the same opportunity,” said Hinkle attorney Mitchell Herren, who tried the case with Hinkle Associate Attorney Sean Walsh.
Hinkle Law Firm offers a full range of legal support to small and large businesses ranging from strategic and tax planning to litigation of contested matters.