Gregory S. Young contact information
Phone: 316-660-6222
Fax: 316-264-1556
Email: gyoung@hinklaw.com
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As a leader in Hinkle Law Firm LLC’s litigation practice group, Mr. Young has handled a variety of cases, including numerous complex cases in medical malpractice and commercial disputes. He has represented hospitals, practice groups, and individual healthcare providers of all disciplines; nursing and assisted living facilities; and pharmacies, as well as numerous other professional and business entities. In addition to his focus on the representation of healthcare providers, Greg has experience and knowledge in other complex liability issues such as construction, transportation, and commercial litigation. He has first-chaired numerous jury trials, resulting in successful verdicts for his clients.
He has represented numerous clients before government regulatory agencies in health care and other industries. He often represents healthcare providers in peer review and risk management hearings and with the state board of Healing Arts. He has served as a fair hearing officer for administrative hearings.
He is a frequent speaker on medical/legal topics, complex litigation, insurance issues, and risk management. He is an author for the Kansas Association of Defense Counsel Journal on the subjects of spoliation of evidence, independent medical examinations and arbitration agreements. Greg is also a submitting author for the Defense Research Institute on matters related to young lawyers’ medical malpractice defense. He often makes presentations to healthcare providers regarding the defense of medical malpractice lawsuits and preventive measures to avoid legal pitfalls.
He is an active member of the Federation of Defense & Corporate Council (FDCC), a widely recognized defense organization composed of leaders in their practice area who have achieved professional distinction. The FDCC membership is highly selective and by nomination only.